The Weather In Bali: Exploring The Island’s Temperature


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The climate of Bali is tropical, which characterized by high temperatures and humidity all throughout the year because it is located near the equator (nearly 8 degrees south).

However, there are less humidity and least warmth in some months comparing to others. Therefore, it is important to know the weather condition when planning a trip to Bali.

There are two primal seasons in Bali with distinctive climates. There is the dry season, which takes place from April to October, while the wet or rainy season runs from November to March.

The Weather In Bali: Exploring The Island’s Temperature
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    The Weather In Bali | Exploring The Temperatures Of Bali In Each Month:

    As already mentioned, it is critical to know the weather condition of the month you are visiting, so you can plan a comfortable and stress-free vocation in Bali.

    This is why we made this blog for you, so you can plan your trip to Bali with ultimate comfort. Thus, stick around to find out about the weather in Bali of the month you plan to visit.

    1. The Weather Of Bali In January:

    The rain in January often occurs in the late afternoon or evening, leaving morning and early afternoons relatively dry and perfect for outdoor activities.

    Even though the wet conditions might seem unbearable, Balinese people enjoy 6 to 8 hours of daylight, offering plenty of opportunities to explore the island. 

    On the plus side, January is a quieter month in terms of tourism, so you can take advantages of lower accommodation prices and enjoy a more relaxing atmosphere.

    If you wish to visit Bali during Junaury, you should pack light, wear breathable clothes, bring a raincoat, and waterproof gear to fully enjoy the island’s lush and vibrant landscapes.

    2. The Weather Of Bali In February:

    The rain contributes to the island’s lush green landscapes, making it a beautiful time to visit Bali for natural attractions, such as waterfalls and rice terraces.

    In addition, February is slightly less crowded comparing to other months. Therefore, you can explore the island with ease without worrying about the tourists crowd.

    3. The Weather Of Bali In March:

    March in Bali is at the end of the wet season, with a weather conditions that gradually transitioned towards the dry season.

    During this month, you can still expect occasional rain, but it is less frequent and has a less intensity than January and February.

    The temperatures remain warm, with average daytime highs between 29°C to 31°C (84°F to 88°F). During, the night, the temperature decreases between 23°C to 24°C (73°F to 75°F).

    On the downside, the humidity levels continue to be high. It often exceeds 80%, which makes the heat feel more intense and unbearable for some during the day.

    On the plus side, the rainfall in March typically ranges between 200 and 250 mm. It spreads over about 12 to 15 days of the months.

    The showers are usually brief and occur mostly in the late afternoon or evening, leaving mornings and early afternoons relatively clear and bearable. Therefore, you can expect 8 to 9 hours of daylight per day, allowing you to explore the island with ease.

    On the plus side, the rainy season tapers off, and the island’s landscapes are still lush and vibrant, so it is a great time to explore Bali’s natural beauty without the heavy rains of earlier months.

    In addition, March is less crowded than the peak tourist season, offering a more relaxing and peaceful experience on the island. I would highly recommend hiking in Bali because it is a perfect month to do so.

    The Weather Of Bali
    The Weather Of Bali During The Wet Season

    4. The Weather Of Bali In April:

    April in Bali signals the start of the dry season, making it an excellent time to visit the island. The weather becomes more stable, with less rain comparing to previous months.

    On the plus side, April temperatures are warm, with daytime highs averaging between 29°C to 31°C (84°F to 88°F) and nighttime temperatures range between 23°C to 24°C (73°F to 75°F). The weather of Bali during this month is a great time to enjoy the outdoor. 

    Another plus side is the rainfall decreases significantly in April, with monthly totals that range between 70 and 150 mm. Rain showers are less frequent, often occurring late in the day or during the night. This reduction in rain marks the transition into Bali’s drier months.

    Although humidity levels remain relatively high, they are lower than in the earlier months of the year, making the heat more bearable. Expect humidity levels around 75% to 80%.

    April sees an increase in sunshine hours, with about 9 to 10 hours of daylight each day. This provides plenty of time to explore Bali’s beaches, temples, and other attractions.

    April is a popular month for visitors as it offers a balance of good weather, fewer crowds compared to the peak season, and lush landscapes from the recent rainy season.

    5. The Weather Of Bali In May:

    May in Bali is firmly within the dry season, offering some of the best weather conditions for visitors. Here’s what you can expect:

    The average daytime temperature ranges from 28°C to 30°C (82°F to 86°F), while nighttime temperatures are comfortably warm, around 23°C to 24°C (73°F to 75°F). The weather is generally warm but not overly hot, making it perfect for exploring the island or relaxing on the beach.

    May is one of the driest months of the year in Bali, with very little rainfall. The average rainfall is around 50 to 100 mm, and rain showers are rare. This makes May an ideal time for outdoor activities like hiking, visiting temples, and water sports.

    Humidity levels in May are lower compared to the wet season, typically ranging from 70% to 75%. This, combined with the dry weather, makes the climate more comfortable and less sticky.

    With around 9 to 10 hours of sunshine each day, May offers plenty of daylight for sightseeing and enjoying Bali’s natural beauty. The skies are generally clear, and the sea conditions are calm, making it a great time for diving and snorkeling.

    Overall, May is considered one of the best months to visit Bali due to the favorable weather, fewer crowds, and the lush landscapes still vibrant from the recent wet season.

    6. The Weather Of Bali In June:

    In June, Bali experiences the dry season, making it one of the best times to visit Bali. The weather is generally warm and sunny, with temperatures ranging from 24°C to 30°C (75°F to 86°F).

    Humidity levels are lower compared to the wet season, and rainfall is minimal, so you can expect clear skies and pleasant days. This makes it ideal for outdoor activities like beach trips, sightseeing, and exploring the island’s natural beauty.

    Because of the constant rain in the previous months, Bali is still vibrant and colorful, making it a great time to explore the island’s natural beauty. Hiking and mountain biking is recommended.

    You can also enjoy birdwatching, natural and wildlife photography. It is the time of the year when the natural landscape and vibrant culture beckon under the warm tropical sun. It is awaiting you to explore it.

    There are also fewer crowds than the peak season, but it is one of the most expensive months for Bali because it falls right before the peak tourist season. Therefore, the prices for tours, accommodation, airfares are much higher than January, February, and November.

    The Climate Of Bali During The Dry Season Comes With A Clear Sky And Pleasant Weather

    7. The Weather Of Bali In July:

    In July, Bali continues to enjoy its dry season, making it a popular time for tourists. The weather is warm, with temperatures typically ranging between 23°C to 29°C (73°F to 84°F).

    Rainfall is minimal, and the humidity is relatively low, offering comfortable conditions for outdoor activities. This is one of the best time to visit Bali if you have money to spend. However, it is not the best month in terms of prices.

    The skies are mostly clear, with plenty of sunshine, making July an excellent time for beach activities, surfing, hiking, and exploring Bali’s cultural sites. Additionally, the ocean conditions are usually calm, providing great visibility for snorkeling and diving.

    My favorite activity during this month is horseback riding on the beach. It is a relaxing activity to enjoy the breeze of the ocean while also explore the island on top of a horse.

    You can also rent a Jeb or an ATV Quad Bike to explore the island. It is a perfect time to explore the outdoor, so seize the opportunity.

    8. The Weather Of Bali In August:

    In Bali during August, you can expect warm and pleasant weather as the island is in the midst of its dry season. The average daytime temperature hovers around 27°C (81°F), making it ideal for beach activities, surfing, and exploring the island.

    Rain is minimal, with just a few brief showers likely, and the humidity is relatively low compared to other months. Therefore, the clear sky and the pleasant weather, making it a good time to explore the outdoor.

    The evenings are cooler, with temperatures dropping to around 22°C (72°F), often accompanied by a refreshing ocean breeze. The sea temperature is also inviting, averaging 26°C (79°F), perfect for swimming and snorkeling.

    Overall, August offers some of the best weather conditions in Bali, with long sunny days, clear skies, and a vibrant atmosphere that is great for both adventure and relaxation.

    9. The Weather Of Bali In September:

    In September, Bali is still in its dry season, though it’s nearing the end. The weather remains warm and pleasant, with temperatures typically ranging from 23°C to 30°C (73°F to 86°F).

    Rainfall is still relatively low, but you might start to see a few more showers compared to the peak dry months of July and August.

    Humidity is moderate, and the skies are generally clear, with plenty of sunshine, making it a good time for beach activities, exploring, and enjoying the island’s natural beauty. September is also a great time to visit as the crowds from the peak tourist season begin to taper off.

    The Climate Of Bali During The Dry Season Is Pleasant And Sunny
    The Climate Of Bali During The Dry Season Is Pleasant And Sunny

    10. The Weather Of Bali In October:

    In October, Bali experiences a transition from the dry season to the wet season. The weather remains warm, with temperatures typically ranging between 24°C to 31°C (75°F to 88°F).

    While it’s still mostly dry, you may start to notice an increase in rainfall, especially towards the end of the month. The showers are usually brief and followed by sunshine, so outdoor activities are still very much possible.

    Humidity begins to rise, making the air feel warmer. Despite the changing weather, October is still a good time to visit Bali, as the island is less crowded compared to the peak months, and you can enjoy a mix of sunny days and the occasional refreshing rain.

    11. The Weather Of Bali In November:

    In November, Bali is well into its transition to the wet season. The weather remains warm, with temperatures typically ranging from 24°C to 31°C (75°F to 88°F).

    Rainfall becomes more frequent, with heavy downpours possible, especially in the afternoons and evenings. Humidity levels are higher, making the air feel more tropical and moist.

    Despite the increased rain, November still offers plenty of sunny periods, particularly in the mornings. The rain showers are often brief, so you can still enjoy outdoor activities, although you might need to plan around the weather.

    The beaches and tourist spots are less crowded, offering a more peaceful experience. If you don’t mind the occasional rain, November can be a good time to visit Bali, as the lush greenery thrives during this time.

    12. The Weather Of Bali In December:

    In December, Bali is fully into its wet season. The weather is warm and humid, with temperatures typically ranging from 24°C to 30°C (75°F to 86°F).

    Rainfall is frequent and can be heavy, often accompanied by thunderstorms, especially in the late afternoon and evening. Despite the rain, there are still sunny intervals, particularly in the mornings.

    Humidity levels are high, making the air feel sticky, and the rain can sometimes disrupt outdoor activities. However, the island is lush and green, with vibrant landscapes due to the consistent rainfall.

    December is also a popular time for visitors, especially around the Christmas and New Year holidays, so while the weather may be wet, the island is lively and festive.

    If you’re planning to visit Bali in December, it’s a good idea to bring rain gear and be flexible with your plans to accommodate the weather.

    The Temperature of Bali Transitioning To The Wet Season Or Rainy Season

    Final Thoughts:

    Whatever month you choose to visit Bali, I can assure you that you will have a good time. There are many beautiful places in Bali that allow you to explore god given nature.

    The beaches in Bali are often comes with white sand and clear water, allowing you to enjoy the pleasant weather under the clear sky.

    Due to the location of Bali island, it holds a tropical weather with sunny days. Therefore, you can enjoy tanning under the sun while enjoying the beaches in Bali.

    While the size of Bali is considerably small, there are 85 isles, so it is important to check the weather forecast of the island you wish to visit.

    I would recommend you to find a place to stay in Bali beforehand, so you won’t worry about finding an accommodation and make research about what to eat in Bali to enjoy their traditional meals and explore its culture.

    I hope we answered your question about what is the climate in Bali? You should also check out our blog about chasing waterfalls in Bali.

    Please, share your experience and thoughts about your visit. We would love to hear about it. You should also check out our blog about the capital of Balisafety of Bali, and 2 weeks itinerary in Bali.



    2 responses to “The Weather In Bali: Exploring The Island’s Temperature”

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      1. Ossama Alnuwaiser Avatar
        Ossama Alnuwaiser

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